尽情享受旅途中购买的乐趣!雄狮资讯推出免费 App“Journey On 旅途中”,让旅客到达游玩地后仍可随时加买!配合 LBS 服务直接查找附近特约店家进行商品的购买噢!
1. 旅程查询:今天想去哪里玩呢?直接在旅程介绍页查看就可以找到您的旅游资讯,轻松安排半日之旅,前往台北各地享受不同特色的商圈风情。
2. 周边查询:临时起意想买东西,只要打开“Journey On 旅途中”,可利用 LBS 定位功能,快速查询您所在位置附近的店家清单。除了由近至远排序的列表之外,还可切换至地图模式,浏览各店家分布位置。
3. 地图定位:点击店家地址后,即可看到店家所在位置的地图及相关介绍资料。
4. 我的旅程:已经购买的商品、游程好多种,直接在我的旅程中查看,就能快速查询已购买的商品资讯,不必再重新搜寻。
5. 快速兑换:走到店家柜台前,按下快速兑换!直接出示手机 QR-Code 予店家 APP 做扫码,快速换取服务/商品。
雄狮集团资讯事业单位分为三大部分:雄狮集团总部之资讯部门、雄狮资讯科技(股)公司(台湾)、雄狮数码科技(股)公司(中国大陆)。雄狮资讯科技(股)公司(台湾)主要协助集团各事业公司规划并设计强大的 e 化平台,聚焦旅游生活相关资讯系统之研发。雄狮数码科技(股)公司(中国大陆)之业务主要为提供中国大陆地区中大型旅行社规划并设计 e 化平台。
Journey On 旅途中 官网:http://www.journeyonapp.com/
【The main function】
1. Journey query: I want to go play with today? Direct journey introduction page view you can find your travel information, easy to arrange half-day trip to the country to enjoy the different characteristics of the Taipei district customs.
2. surrounding query: spur of the moment want to buy something, just open the "Journey On the road", can take advantage of LBS positioning function, quickly find a list of stores near your location. Except from near to far sorted list can also be switched to map mode, browse Gedian Jia distribution location.
3. Location Map: Click the store address, you can see a map of the location where the stores and related presentation materials.
4. My journey: already purchased good run multiple, viewed directly in my journey, you can quickly query information merchandise purchased, without having to search again.
5. Quick Exchange: Went to the store counter, press the fast exchange! Direct phone show QR-Code APP store to make scan code, quick exchange Service / Goods
【about us】
Circa 1977, Lion Travel Service Co. is a travel company based in Taiwan providing a full scope of inbound & outbound travel services, including: air-ticketing, tour-booking, ground transportation, visa application, accommodation arrangements, tour guides, corporate travel management, and other associated supports. With over 70 retail outlets across the world, Lion Travel services both the domestic and overseas markets.
Journey On APP Official website:http://www.journeyonapp.com/
Lion Travel Official website:http://www.liontravel.com